Your Pathway to Higher Performance

Legendary Basketball Coach Bobby Cremins says "Linda LeClaire and Dr. Bryce Young are the best Sport Psychology Team I have worked with in my coaching career. They created a complete Mental Toughness Training Program for our College of Charleston Basketball team. This program definitely made a difference in our season! I recommend them highly!"

Do you want to make your dreams happen? Never Give Up!

Posted by Linda LeClaire | Posted in Tips for Peak Performance | Posted on Apr 18, 2009

When you feel out of sync mentally and emotionally one of the bridges back to center is appreciation. Refocus your thoughts on what you have and what you appreciate in your life. Remind yourself of your mission. Then take a deep breath and tell yourself that you are stronger than ever.

Most people give up on their dreams. The people that make it do so because they never gave up. You are in charge of deciding the kind of person you are. When someone gives up they don’t just all of a sudden give up one day. They give up little by little until they no longer do what they need to do to achieve their dreams.

Read more about how to achieve your dreams in The Confidence Factor. Live the life you are meant to live!

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